(Source: ABC - Associated Builders and Contractors Inc) Contacts: For Immediate Release Donna Reichle, ABC, (202) 595-1782 reichle@abc.org Nick Goldstein, ARTBA, (202) 289-4434, Ext. 207 ngoldstein@artba.org Marc Ramsey, ASA, (703) 684-3450, Ext. 1321 mramsey@asa-hq.com Brian Turmail, AGC, (703) 459-0238 turmailb@agc.org Eben Wyman, DCA, (703) 750-1326 eben@wymanassociates.net Jeff Buczkiewicz, MCAA, (224) 678-9709 jeffb@masoncontractors.org Pete Chaney, MCAA, (301) 869-5800 pchaney@mcaa.org Liz Thompson (202) 266-8495 ethompson@nahb.org WASHINGTON, D.C., April 4-Eight construction industry organizations filed a petition for review of the final crystalline silica rule by the Occupational...